Flora Fe- III

AQUANATURE FLORA – FE (III) is a superior quality, concentrated, iron supplement
for freshwater planted aquariums. It is designed to begin Slow releasing iron. Fe(III) is a
more stable then Fe(II) in aquarium, which can be avoid algae problem. however Fe(II)
is more faster to absorb by the plants. Iron deficiency in plants is often seen as
yellowing leaves, particularly starting at the tips, and leaves becoming transparent and
eventually disintegrating. Other deficiencies can cause similar symptoms, such as
deficiencies in nitrogen, potassium, and magnesium. It is therefore recommended that
use Flora-Complete first, to provide a wide range of plant nutrients, and then use then
use this product to supplement iron as necessary. .
Do not overdose this product.The use of Flora – c will provide additional carbon for
heavily planted aquariums. Growth of all photosynthetic organisms also requires strong
lighting of proper spectrum. Flora-Fe(II) can be use to make red plants more red.
DO NOT USE Fe(II) & Fe(III) in the same time. at least one week gap required to notice


Shake well before use.
Push 4 time Equal to (5 ml) per 50 US gallons (190 L) daily or every other day in to
planted aquarium water.
FLORA – COMPLETE is a main source of nutrient, FLORA – FE (II),FLORA – FE (III),FLORA – TRACE,FLORA –
K all are essential nutrients with right combination depending upon density of planted aquaria.
FLORA – C can be use to rid off algae as it helps to plants absorb available nutrients faster.


Store in a cool,dry place.

Keep out of reach of children. Not for human consumption. If ingested drink water, seek
medical attention immediately. If in eyes, flush with water, if irritation continues, seek
medical attention.

250 ml treats up to 2500 gallons
500 ml treats up to 5000 gallons
1 L treats up to 10000 gallons
5 L treats up to 50000 gallons